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Family Law Attorneys in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Family law is different than most other types of law for two very unique reasons. First, there are a lot of emotions involved. And second, more often times than not, there is no actual guilty party. Family law is just as much about the law as it is about the people that it involves. Whether it’s creating a timesharing agreement as part of a parenting plan schedule or figuring out the dollars and cents of child support payments, a good Colorado Springs Family Law Attorney will approach every client not only as an individual case but also as a unique human being who has specific wants and needs. We are proud to serve clients in Colorado Springs, Monument, and Pueblo, Colorado.

What Is Family Law?

Family law is rooted in family issues and domestic relations that affect parents, their children, and other immediate family members like grandparents. Family law covers everything from growing families to dissolving them, including:

  • Marriages

  • Adoptions

  • Surrogacy

  • Paternity Tests

  • Divorces

  • Annulments

  • Alimony

  • Division of assets

  • Child custody

  • Child support payments

  • Parenting agreements

Family law attorneys also draft prenuptial and postnuptial agreements and handle child abuse and neglect cases as well.

Protect What Matters Most

When Do You Need a Family Law Attorney

If major changes are going to take place in your family, there is a strong possibility that you will need a family law attorney.

Some of the most common family law cases we handle include:

  • Adoption – In Colorado,you can adopt both children and adults. All adoptees over the age of 12 must give explicit consent for the adoption, however. In the event that one of the parties adopting, or the court itself, was a victim of fraud, adoptions can be challenged for up to a year. Adoptions by same-sex couples in Colorado are explicitly allowed.

  • Divorce – To prevent a conflict of interest, both spouses must retain separate attorneys during a divorce, even in uncontested divorces. Our Colorado Springs Divorce Lawyers will be able to assist with calculating alimony and dividing assets, as well as drafting a parenting plan and even working through domestic violence issues.

  • Child Custody – Family courts handle custody agreements and court orders following a divorce, as well as revisions to these agreements. Much like during divorce proceedings, both parents must be represented by separate attorneys during child custody hearings. In certain instances, the courts will factor the opinions of children into the final decision, but this is at the discretion of the court. Contact our Colorado Springs Child Custody Lawyers to get the help you need.

  • Paternity – Paternity in Colorado is proven through a DNA test, and can be used as a claim for parental responsibilities or against them. A legal request can be placed either by a biological father who wishes to gain child custody, or by the biological mother if the father has not signed the Acknowledgment of Paternity and she wants to request child support.

Click Here to Learn About Our Colorado Springs Child Custody Lawyers

Colorado Springs Family Law Attorneys with 40 Years of Combined Experience

Having an experienced family law attorney on your side will reduce stress and allow you to explore all possible outcomes when it comes to your family law case so that the end result is the best possible solution for you and your children. At Kinnaird Law, we have decades of individual and combined experience in family law, and our goal for each of our clients is to provide them with as good of an experience as can be expected. If you want to be represented by the best Colorado Springs family law attorneys, schedule a free consultation today.